A Cheerful Giver

2 Corinthians 9:6-15 ; Luke21:1-4  I remember an autumn Sunday from many years ago when I sat in the pews of my church, and the pastor stepped into the pulpit.  It was the custom at that time for the pastor to make the announcements of the church right before the sermon.  He began with an announcement about the budget.  At that time in my life I paid zero attention to budget matters, but apparently there were some financial difficulties, budget shortfall, if you can imagine such a thing.  I only half listened, but at some point I noticed that his announcement was running really long. About 20 minutes later he stopped talking.  He acknowledged rather sheepishly that he had spent too much time on the announcements and would forgo his sermon rather than make us suffer through another 20 minutes of him talking. The congregation laughed, he wrapped up with a prayer, and that was that.  But […]

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