Going Deep

Isaiah 6:1-8   Luke5:1-11 Barbara Brown Taylor wrote a book called Learning to Walk in the Dark, which was our book of the month in January. So some of you have read it. We followed her explorations of the dark in all kinds of ways, including a simulation of blindness. In which she was encouraged to pay attention to what she was perceiving with all her other senses. And what she noticed was sight is a very shallow sense. When we rely on our other senses, we find that we need to slow down, pay attention more fully. Using our other senses allows us to go deeper in our experience and knowledge of things. When you touch, smell, listen, taste, you know something more deeply. Like it or not. In this gospel text, Jesus told Simon Peter to go out deep. He said, “Go out into the deep water and let […]

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Love in Action

1 Corinthians13:1-13   Luke 4:21-30 If you are like me, these words from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians make you feel warm and cozy and sweet; Valentine hearts and weddings and celebrations of love. But I don’t think either Paul or the Corinthians felt that way. Let me tell you a little bit about the Corinthians. Paul made his way to Corinth during his traveling evangelist years, by way of Athens, which was apparently the original ivory tower city. In Athens, Paul discovered how much the people there enjoyed an intellectual discussion of ideas. He offered them a very creative and compelling case for Christ, they sparred back and forth with him for a while. And at the end of the day, they said, “Good argument, Paul. Enjoyed it thoroughly. Maybe we’ll come back and do it again tomorrow.” An outcome that might very well have left Paul feeling a […]

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