
Acts 16:9-15  John 5:1-9 Of all the stories about healing in the gospels, this one stands out to me as particularly interesting. In part, because it is puzzling. We don’t know exactly what is going on here. Apparently, this pool of water has healing properties, and people come to the waters to be healed of their disabilities. I have no doubt that water has healing properties. Just the other evening, my daughter told me the baby was having a complete meltdown. I prescribed a bath. The peculiar thing about these waters was that, evidently, they would periodically become stirred up, and people believed that the stirring was caused by the presence of divine power. According to the King James Version, only the first person to get in the pool after the waters stirred up would be healed. This seems unfair. And it’s probably not even true, because newer translations have […]

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New Things

Revelation 21:1-6 ; John 13:31-35 I came across a news story last week about a woman who was found living in a car in the Target parking lot. You might wonder if that’s really even news. There are so many homeless people in our country, so many of them living in cars – and some of these may not even consider themselves homeless because at least they are not sleeping in the bushes. At least they have a car and the car is their home. Yet we know it is a far from adequate home. It was reported in the local newspaper, where it was considered to be newsworthy. Perhaps because it happened in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. King of Prussia is a fairly affluent suburban community outside Philadelphia. It has a very low rate of poverty. Life is generally pretty good. The shopping is excellent – King of Prussia is […]

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Radical Trust

John 10:22-30  In the movie Ghost, Patrick Swayze plays a man who is murdered. I’m not giving away the plot. That’s just the set up. The story is about how his spirit lingers on earth, because he needs to communicate a message to his wife, Demi Moore, who is in danger of being killed, too. He needs to figure out how to communicate with living people, so he goes to a psychic – Whoopi Goldberg. She’s actually a fake psychic. She has never communicated with the dead in her life; she just puts on a show and the people who pay for her services believe her. So when the ghost of Patrick Swayze walks in the room she practically jumps out of her skin. Because she can see him and hear him. She never knew she really could communicate with spirits. Now that she does, she’s not at all sure she […]

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Grace and Peace

John 21:1-19  Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the greeting Paul liked to use in his letters to the churches with whom he corresponded. In these weeks since Easter Sunday I have been thinking about the kinds of feelings the disciples of Jesus might have experienced after his resurrection. As I said last week, fear was among those feelings, possibly even fear of the resurrected Jesus. But also guilt. They had failed Jesus spectacularly. They let him die. Not that they could have prevented it, of course. In fact, they had tried on various occasions to stop him from going down the path he was going. He would not be stopped. There wasn’t anything much they could do, short of dying with him. They weren’t personally responsible for his death. But that didn’t mean they weren’t feeling personally responsible. Perhaps […]

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