Incarnation (A Christmas Eve message)

John 1:1-14  If you are familiar with the C.S. Lewis story, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, you know it is a winter story – a magical story. It is the kind of story we can hear better at Christmas time. We are, somehow, more ready to open our hearts and minds to the miraculous at this time of year. The story is about four children who go through a magical wardrobe into another world, the land of Narnia, a place where it is always winter but never Christmas. This is the first story C.S. Lewis wrote in his series about Narnia, but it is not actually the beginning of the story – the whole story. There is another book Lewis wrote sometime later that gives the back story to The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. It’s called The Magician’s Nephew. The lion called Aslan first appears in The Magician’s Nephew. He […]

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Isaiah 7:10-16 ; Matthew 1:18-25  It is good that we have a Sunday in Advent devoted to remembering Joseph. Joseph, the man who is the father – yet is not the father – of Jesus; Joseph, who doesn’t even get a mention in two of the four gospels; Joseph – the man who raised the Son of God. How he must have struggled with emotion in those early days.  When he learns that the young woman he has chosen for his wife is somehow pregnant.  And he knows it wasn’t him. How he must have fought down all kinds of feelings while he struggled to determine how he would respond to this news.  He knew, of course, that the law would support him if he chose to have her publicly exposed and condemned as an adulterous woman.  Because even though they were not yet married, they were betrothed to one another, something that was as […]

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Still Waiting

Isaiah35:1-10    Matthew11:2-11  Food trucks have been around for a very long time, but in recent years they have really gone upscale, with dishes rivaling fine restaurants. In some cities there are areas set up where food trucks congregate, around some picnic tables, making an outdoor food court on a gravel patch. People flock to them. They were popular in Dayton, Ohio when we lived there. We encountered some food truck connoisseurs loved to talk about their favorites, and one of these at the time was a certain hot dog truck. Zombie Dogs. At food festivals you might see hundreds of people lined up for this one. People would wait two hours in line for a Zombie Dog. And then they would rave about how good they were. They were “amazing” or “to die for.” Best hot dogs ever. However, it is my opinion that if someone has waited in line two hours […]

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Doing A New Thing

Matthew 3:1-12 Some years ago I was in my office at the university where I served as campus minister – and a student named Brad came in.  He told me he was working with a congregation in a nearby town, called ebc – that’s all lowercase letters.  Previously, they had been known as Emmanuel Bible Chapel, but the new name, ebc, was a part of their rebranding effort.  He told me ebc is much more “user friendly” than their old name. Brad explained to me that he was a marketing major and was working with the church to help them grow and achieve their goal to become a multi-campus church.  This is how it would work.  The church establishes satellite congregations they call campuses where they have a local worship team, which is primarily responsible for music and also prayer.  The head pastor is at the flagship campus where he preaches every Sunday to an in-house congregation.  But his sermons are also […]

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In the Waiting

Matthew 24:36-44    Jesus is coming. Are you ready? And as I ask this question, you might be thinking of all your lists. Shopping lists, baking lists, card lists. You might be thinking of your calendar dates– concert dates, dinner dates, party dates, arranging flights or picking up folks at the airport dates. You might be squirming in your pew as you realize just how not-ready you are. I sometimes feel like I need to apologize to the church for Advent. While our heads are full of Christmas, the church is saying, let’s talk about something else, because it’s not Christmas yet. This is jarring. Because everywhere else you look, Christmas is in full swing. On TV, on the radio, in the stores, everywhere you go. The culture is at least a month ahead of us on the calendar. It all comes so early and lasts so long, we feel […]

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