Jesus Preaches, Part 4: Perfect Love

Matthew 5:38-48 Have you ever asked Google how to be perfect? This is how you know that you are not the only person in the world who has ever wondered the things you are wondering, you ask Google. Because there are answers out there, my friends. Google has answers. If you google “How can I be perfect?” this is what you will find: There are lists of 25 ways to be a better person. There are lists of 52 simple ways to be your best every week. There is an article that says being perfect, or as close to perfect as possible, can be broken down into three basic areas: taking care of the outside – that is how you appear to others; taking care of the inside – how you feel both physically and mentally; and finally, carrying it all out, things like learning new skills, setting goals, treating […]

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Jesus Preaches, Part 3: Rules & Relationships

Matthew 5:21-37  The farther we get into Jesus’ sermon on the mount, I begin to imagine how the scene around him might have been changing, reacting to the things he was saying. Remember he was amidst a large crowd of people who had been following him. And he went up to the top of the mount, a little distance away from the crowd, to teach his band of disciples. But assume, also, that the crowds below could hear what he was saying. He begins his sermon with some jarring statements – the strange blessings – lifting up all the qualities that the   world tends to find embarrassing, or even shameful. So maybe the people in the crowd raised their eyebrows in surprise, but they would continue to listen. Then he starts calling them salt and light, whatever that means. And he says they must exceed the Pharisees and Scribes in […]

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Jesus Preaches, Part 2: Salt and Light

Matthew 5:13-20     There is an old English folktale that I have always loved, The Three Sillies. A young man is courting a farmer’s daughter and is invited to their house for dinner. During the meal, the daughter is sent down to the cellar to fetch the beer for supper. As she is drawing the beer she notices a mallet stuck in one of the beams overhead. And she thinks, “Suppose one day he and I get married and we have a son, and our son comes down to the cellar to get the beer and the mallet falls on his head and kills him!” and she is so overcome with grief she can’t move. Soon her mother comes down to look for her. “What is the matter with you?” she asks. The girl points to the mallet and tells her mother this imagined scenario – and the mother collapses […]

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Jesus Preaches, Part 1: The Blessed

In the practice of Zen Buddhism, there is something called beginner’s mind. It doesn’t mean someone who is just beginning the practice, though. For practitioners of Buddhism, the challenge is to keep that beginner’s mind constantly. It is about keeping an open mind, letting go of preconceptions, practicing the curiosity of a child. Beginner’s mind is a way of life. To have a beginner’s mind is to let go of what you already know so you might learn something new. Years ago, I spent some time with a Chinese student at the university where I worked. She wanted to practice her English. She wanted to learn about the Christian faith. She came to me knowing nothing about Christianity. She and I agreed to meet up and read the Bible together. It turned out to be an enlightening experience for me. We began with the gospel, because it seemed to me […]

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