Advent 1: Being Present with Hope

Mark 13: 24-37 Every year I begin the season of Advent feeling the urge to apologize about the scriptures. This text from Mark. It’s not very cheery, is it? But there it is, with its words of dread; one calamity after another. The sun will be darkened, the moon will lose its brightness, the stars will fall from the sky. It’s like a horror movie. And we can treat it that way if we want to. My son Joe spent some time in Mississippi when he was a young man and attended a church where the pastor preached in the fire and brimstone tradition. Every Sunday he stood in the pulpit breathing threats and terror against the disciples in the pews. Every week he would end with, “come back next week and I’ll tell you more about how it’s all going to end.” And Joe kept going back. He didn’t […]

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Rule of Love

Psalm 90:1-6,13-17 Matthew 22:34-46 We all have our own ideas of what heaven will be like – comfortable cloud-soft cushions, serenity, beautiful music, and a big party with all the generations gathered together and good stuff to eat. Grandma’s fried chicken – which was the best fried chicken in the world. Mama’s kolaches and butterhorns – her pastries were amazing. No doubt, heaven is all of that. But I have to admit that my personal thoughts of heaven always go to this: finally, I can get answers to all my questions. That’s probably pretty dull, and ultimately not that important, right? It’s just that I want to know. I always have. And I have often gone to someone older and wiser for the answers. When I was little it was my sister Annie, because she was a whole year older than me and she knew everything. When I got married it […]

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