Come Away

Song of Solomon 2:8-13     James1:17-27 I read a wonderful little story this past week, about something that has happened in the past and might possibly still be happening today. The story goes that when a Navy man served on board a submarine, his wife, if he had a wife, was permitted to send him messages – but only short messages. They were limited to eight words. That’s pretty short. And they were censored, if needed. You can just forget about privacy. But the Navy wives had a secret: The Song of Solomon. They would send messages like SOS 1:2, which counted as only one word. The husband knew that this meant Song of Solomon, chapter 1, verse 2, “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for your love is better than wine!” These wives were sending coded messages and some of them were pretty steamy. So, that’s one […]

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Holy and Whole

Matthew 9:1-8 There are very few slow news days anymore. Every day, there are more than enough problems to fill columns of newsprint and hours of newscasts. The question is which story will rise to the top and get a piece of our attention. Recently, stories about mass shootings were among them. Last week in Boulder Colorado. Ten people, as innocent as any of us, dead. And we grieve it, as we have grieved so many other similar incidents. We had barely finished absorbing the details of another event in Atlanta the previous week, which cost eight human lives. When we hear about these violent incidents, one of the first thoughts we have is, why? What reason did this person have for committing such a terrible act? Why? “Why” is a fundamental question of life. We often ask why things happen. When a loved one gets sick, we ask: why? […]

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